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Hello, My name is Martins Olagoke Sorinola, I'm passionate about helping unemployed African Youths discover and develop their dominant gifts, talents, core strength and passion to connecting with their true lifework so they could kiss unemployment goodbye while they live a life beyond ordinary.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Discover You!
But the truth is, you may have the highest level of education, get different university degrees,...
Get all the money you want...
If you fail to develop these inborn gifts, skills and crafts, and engage them daily, you may never find true happiness and fulfilment in life.
These inborn gifts, dominant skills, crafts are somehow intersected with WHO we should become and what our ideal lifework should be...
I believe this is the missing link in our educational system today...
People spend their productive years in school studying the wrong course with no regards to their inborn abilities, skills, gifts, and crafts, and they end up in the wrong industries, working the wrong jobs, with the wrong people, and ultimately getting frustrated in life....
because they are not happy, doing what they are doing...
They don't even know who they are in the first place.
Hence, I wrote This book The Power of Self Discovery Book
Please check it out...
This book is the guide you need to prevent you from wasting years, resources, and energy doing what will not take you to your destiny.
Download book here: http://bit.ly/2YuchPK
The day you discover your inborn unique and special abilities, is the day you are born.
To your durable success and fulfilment.
Discover you. Discover life.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
New Book Alert!!! Watch this place....
Yes You Can!
Have you ever considered doing what you love doing and getting paid for it?
The truth is, God wants you to get busy with the work that you love to do. Life is too short to be engaged it a job that you hate.
Records have it that only a few people derive job satisfaction and you can get out of that web...
There're too many people just making a living and not making a life and you need not to add to their number!
Yet, they think they have no choice than to stick to that job they hate with classic passion.
You should enjoy your life's work. It's not about the pay on the long run, It's about job satisfaction!
This book is born out of the passion to helping many young talented but unemployed African Youths find their bearing towards a highly exciting and profitable living with or without their certificates and many people in corporate slavery discover their core strenghts and potentials and turning such STRENGHTS into their earning capacity.
"If your job makes you sick, you have no career yet." He said.
Get Hungry for this amazing and life changing book that will change your life forever!
Watch this place!!!
Monday, 30 July 2018
You were meant to take over the world, and not to be cornered by the world.
Don't miss it for ANYTHING.
See you soon.
Saturday, 7 July 2018
Why You Must Live In Your Season
Life is in Seasons. Live in Your Season!!!
No doubt, life is designed in seasons.
Understanding your own season in life will teach you to be thankful; patient; to persevere; always win, and above all, make you live a worry-free life.
Just like God made fruits like mangoes, oranges, etc and made them flourish in their different seasons; God had made you up, and had designed your season of flourishing before the earth's foundation was laid.
As a single young lady, you may say, "Oh, all of my friends are now married, why haven't I married?"
Be thankful! Be thankful because God knows that the right man for you isn't available in that season of lamentations; cos your right man is simply in the making.
Listen, reacting that way is like Maize lamenting "Oh God, all other fruits and crops are flourishing and shining in January, why am I the only one left behind?"
Even if Maize turns that into a prayer point, God would never answer, because what would make Maize flourish in January (in other crops' season) isn't available in January.
God loves you and wouldn't allow you get married in that season to the man that would make you miserable and think marriage is evil.
Let me remind you;
There's a season to celebrate Mango; a season to celebrate Apple; a season to celebrate Orange; a season to celebrate Cocoa; a season to celebrate Cocoyam; a season to celebrate Cashew...and the list goes on.
That's why when such a season of flourishing and celebration comes for a particular kind of fruit , it's always like it's the only fruit in town!
I hope you can relate with this.
Everyone is like a type of 'fruit' designed to flourish in their own peculiar season.
Inability to accept this truth (natural phenomenon) is the reason why many are unnecessarily worried and depressed, as they unwisely compare themselves with others.
You have your own season!
Start trusting God for your season.
Are you a young man, and it seems all of your friends are far ahead of you cos they have gotten good jobs, built mansions and you're yet to even find a job.
Be thankful!
Because, when your season comes, it would be so evident to all around you that your life is far more than being on a job or building houses.
Nigeria is 6 solid hours ahead of the USA. But it's evident that, economy wise, Nigeria is far behind USA. Why? USA is simply in her season and time zone. And so it is with every people or nation.
That your friends seem to be far ahead of you doesn't make you any inferior; they are simply in their seasons and time zones.
When things are not going the way you want. Be thankful because they are going the way God had planned it to go! Which is best.
So, don't think negative!
Keep on keeping on. Put on the right attitude. Always show gratitude. Don't become lazy. Don't get tired trying cos what you do in these moments before your season comes matters greatly.
As I conclude, resolve today NEVER ever to compare YOU with anyone else because it is needless.
It is foolishness comparing Cocoyam with Cocoa.
Above all, Discover YOU.
If this blesses you, be thankful to God and share with others whom it might bless, too.
To your welfare,
Martins Sorinola
Your Mindset and Career Coach,
Friday, 6 July 2018
Why You MUST Discover You and Find Purpose...
One thing is certain: and that's the fact that you can not remain an employee forever. And when the time comes to let go of that position, what next?
At the end;
Would you say that's all there is to your life?
Would you be glad with the results you've achieved?
Would you be fulfilled that you have lived your life not only for salary, but, making impact in many lives?
I smile when people talk about retirement. What many people call retirement today is simply a change of vocation and location, after spending years on one they were never fulfilled with.
Nobody wants to retire from what actually fulfils him or her.
Do you have the luxury of time to read the story below?
“I’m 28 years old and these days I feel like I’m floating in the middle of the ocean with nothing to grasp onto and no shoreline in sight. I’m just treading water trying to stay alive.
I’m fortunate enough to be born into a situation where I have a supportive family, I was able to graduate college with an engineering degree, and I have a good job with benefits. On the surface my life looks great,but I feel a sense of hopelessness when I think about my life’s purpose. I know I’m privileged in
comparison to most of the people in this world, but it’s mostly material privilege.
How can I have so much of my life figured out and still feel as if there is just no point to any of it? Is this all there is to my life?
Do I have another 40 years of my life or so of paying bills and then a cold hole in the ground to look forward to? I know in my mind that I should be thankful for all I have at my age, but I just can’t
seem to shake the feeling that I’m wasting it all as a worker bee. I’ll put a smile on my face, brush my teeth in the morning, and continue going to work,
but what can I do to shake this feeling of no direction, no purpose, and no real human experience?
Please help. — I’m lost in my mind.”
- Anonymous
The story you just read clearly validates the fact that a man who hasn’t discovered himself yet or the purpose for his existence; that no matter how engaged he is in activities, though profitable, will NEVER find meaning for his life.
Your Self Discovery Coach & Career Advisor
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