Hello, My name is Martins Olagoke Sorinola, I'm passionate about helping unemployed African Youths discover and develop their dominant gifts, talents, core strength and passion to connecting with their true lifework so they could kiss unemployment goodbye while they live a life beyond ordinary.
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
One Saturday morning, I heard a man speak on the radio; "He that lives for nothing will die for nothing..." yet, he continued..."a life that is not adding value to others, is not worth living"...And he concluded saying; "What gives a man a sense of living & importance in life, is the value he adds to peoples' lives." And I concur wholeheartedly.
Now, for you, what makes life worth-living?
Is it because you have enough resources to enjoy? Or because, there are so many lives you want to positively touch? Well, you may give your own opinion when you are done reading this piece.
I once defined LIFE as an acronym that reads;
L-iving....I-ntentionally...F-or...E-achother. And I believe without mincing words, it's a true definition of what Life entails.
Now, let's reason together. Can you imagine a world of two, where each one is ultimately living for just self? Would there be any progress in such a world? A world of absolute disharmony. A world where a mechanic tells the other man; 'hey! look here, I don't need your service for anything, I can take care of myself.' And the other man replies; 'look here Mr., I am a medical doctor, I don't move with people of your calibre.'
Now, when the mechanic gets dangerously ill, who treats him? And for the doctor whose car breaks down on a very long and narrow bridge, who fixes his car?
The Truth is , No One succeeds alone. No, not One! We all need one another with or without reward to see life through. If your life is not touching anyone in any positive way no matter how little , I'm sorry, you are yet to start living.
Life has taught me again and again that; for every good I do to the other, the returns always outweigh the investment. Isn't that a good buy?
In your capacity, help someone to succeed today, for in that, lies your own success story.
Lovingly share with others as you spread the message of life-value and love.
Copyright © 2015,
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
That's sounds like a bombshell. But that is the TRUTH. Isn't it?
See friend, only a journey without a definite and clear destination is worth quitting. And this informs you and me the need to understand the power of PERSISTENCE in every pursuit or journey of life.
The analogy of a moving vehicle heading to a particular destination will help us a great deal in whatever venture in life , be it a business, chosen career, relationship, course, project and what have you.
Now, think of it, when you set out on a journey to getting to particular place or destination, you don't stop halfway, else you won't get there; but when you continue in that journey, the more you move, the closer you get to the intended place and eventually, you get there by the reason of being persistent on that journey.
Unfortunately, many in real life situations, cheaply give in to the attempt to stop halfway when they feel the impulse to do so, probably due to the stress or pain encountered on that journey.
In the science world, every matter is said to be at a position of absolute rest until a force is applied to shift its position. When the force stops, the moving matter stops too.
Whatever journey it is today, whether short or long term, that you have embarked upon, be sure NEVER to stop halfway, the pain or stress notwithstanding or you won't get there.
And if you feel any impulse to quit any journey you've been on, remember why you started the journey. This should keep you going.
Your 'vehicle'shall surely get there, if you won't stop going!
Please share or rebroadcast in FULL, if this adds any value to you in anyway.
God bless your day and journey today.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Looking fourty years ahead, what is that ONE thing you would never be happy about NOT to have achieved in your lifetime? Once you find it, it is wisdom to start working at it NOW, so you may eventually be happy fourty years after seeing youself to have achieved that ONE thing.
Think into the future!
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Live Free From Fear
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
– Psalm 91:1-3
Is it possible to live free from fear in this dangerous and unpredictable world? Yes, it most definitely is! Because protection is a solid promise of God.
But it's not a promise that's offered to just anyone. It is promised to those who abide in the Lord. To abide means "to dwell, to remain and to continue." To abide in the shadow of the Almighty is to live in continual union with Him, keeping His Word and obeying His voice. Those who abide in the Lord can live without dread of what the devil will do.
Let me make this clear though—God's promise of protection doesn't guarantee that the devil will leave you alone! It means that God will give you a way of escape every time the devil rears his ugly face at you.
If you are afraid of the dangers around you, spend more time in the Word and in prayer until your trust in God overcomes your fear. Draw closer to the Lord until you are abiding in the shadow of the Almighty and—no matter how dangerous this world becomes—He shall surely deliver you.
Sunday, 4 October 2015
In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
– Matthew 18:16
You've been there many times, standing in the valley of decision. Perched precariously between victory and defeat. On one side of you is the word of the world authored by Satan that says, for example, "You're not going to get healed." On the other side of you, the Word of God is saying, "My Word is yea and amen" and "By whose stripes, ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24). Who will determine how it all turns out? You will. You're the establishing witness.
I remember a fellow once who wanted me to pray for him. I said, "Now the Word says you're healed." He interrupted me and said, "Yeah, I know it says that, but I've got this terrible pain here...."
I looked him in the eye and said again, "The Word says, 'By His stripes, you were healed.'"
"I know it," he answered, "but I've got this terrible...."
I shook my head. "Listen, the Word says you're healed!"
He turned beet red. "I know it says that, but I've got this...."
Finally, he stopped and stared at me. He didn't realize it, but he'd allowed his physical symptoms to become his evidence. It was what he believed. No matter what the Word said, he believed the thing he could see and feel.
But when he got quiet, I said to him, "Look, you're wanting me to agree with you and you're mad because I won't. But if I agree with you, you're going to die. Now if you'll agree with me and the Bible, we can get you healed."
Suddenly he saw it. His eyes lit up. "Oh, praise God! I see what you mean. I agree with the Word of God!"
I put my hands on his head and God healed him instantly.
You see, when he finally decided to get in agreement with God, he could have received in his bedroom or driving down the road or anywhere else. He could have received any time he decided to become the establishing witness.
You pray and establish your witness. That's your part. If you'll do it, God will back you—and when He backs you, everything else either has to get in line or get out of the way.
You're the deciding witness. What do you say?
By Kenneth Copeland
Friday, 2 October 2015
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
– 1 John 1:9
It's wonderful to know you've been set free from the law of sin and death. It's glorious to know you never again have to submit to the slavery of sin. But what do you do when, in spite of those wonderful, glorious truths, you still miss the mark? What do you do when you stumble and fall into sin?
Run to your Father and repent!
That sounds simple. But oddly enough we often do just the opposite. Instead of running to God, we let fear and guilt drive us further and further from Him. We start thinking things like, Well, I've missed it now. I might as well forget the rest of it and live like the devil.
Don't make that mistake. Don't let Satan talk you into sinning in one area of your life just because you missed it in another. When you get off track with God, just confess it and get right back on.
"But, Brother Copeland, I feel so guilty when I tell God what I've done that it's hard for me to make myself do it."
I know. I used to feel that way too. Then, one day, God said to me, Kenneth, when you confessed that sin wasn't when I found out about it. I knew about it all the time! When you confessed it is when you got rid of it, when you were cleansed of its effects in your life.
When you make a mistake, when you miss the mark, remember, you have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous (1 John 2:1). Run to Him! He knows what you are going through. You don't need to be afraid. He didn't tear you apart for the sins you committed before you made Him Lord of your life, did He? Then how much more merciful and loving do you think He'll be now that you're His own? Now that you're reaching out for Him and have a heart for Him?
Don't run from God. Run to Him. Receive His forgiveness. Receive His cleansing. No matter how badly you've sinned, He's eager to forgive and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness.
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