Hello, My name is Martins Olagoke Sorinola, I'm passionate about helping unemployed African Youths discover and develop their dominant gifts, talents, core strength and passion to connecting with their true lifework so they could kiss unemployment goodbye while they live a life beyond ordinary.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off our goals. Keep Focus, Stay Focus!
Trust your night was refreshing!
Your Mind:Your Greatest Asset-BOOK
If you have ever picked up my book for a read, please do well to share your review just after the Author's name via this link. http://www.bookstomydoor.com/product/your-mind-your-greatest-asset/
Can't wait to have your reviews dropping in. Thanks a great deal!
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
What's Your Selling Point?
What Do You Do For a Living?
Someone I know messaged in from London, Uk about two nights ago upon seeing my new publication~ 'Your Mind : Your Greatest Asset' and he asked " Goke (the suffix of my name 'Olagoke' ) do you write for a living? " and I answered in the affirmative!
Well, I answered yes not because of the monetary value it now holds in returns, but soley because that's one of the things I have been designed or wired for by my Maker-God: which is why I'm living. And when I stop doing it, life automatically comes to a standstill. Just like a fan comes to a stand still when it stops fanning or blowing(which is the purpose it was wired and designed for by its manufacturer).
And That's what's going to happen to anyone who hasn't discovered his purpose yet, or has discovered it, but has neglected it or refused to pay it detailed attention.
If it were to be for the money aspect, book writing would have been the last option considering the efforts that go into it: the mental labor, the careful selection and collation of words, the joining of pages, the sleepless nights, the editing and re-editing activities, the expensive printing materials to be procured and so on°. But, for me, reading, public speaking, or writing a book is more than for money making. Far from it! It's all about impact! And it brings me fulfillment, joy, confidence, boldness, wealth self-respect, honor and so on. But my business can't offer me all of that!
Hope you can relate.
In my small years of living, I have seen many disheartening situations that need to be addressed, but often time, the one to address them even needs to be addressed.
The so many sickening attitudes of our Nigerian youths today towards the future they are often regarded to be or become is the reason for the publication-my book. The thought-pattern of an average Nigerian youth is debased! And that need to be revived or addressed in time if we must secure that promising future. And that's what inspired the writing of 'Your Mind:Your Greatest Asset' . And if you are reading this, and you are a youth, and you are yet to find the compass of your life, and want to rise above mediocrity, 'Your Mind:Your Greatest Asset' is your opportunity, grab it now and here ... http://bookstomydoor.com/product/your-mind-your-greatest-asset/ and you'll be glad you did!
I am a business man to the core from onset (My friends can testify to that back in the university days). There are a thousand and one thing I can make money from so far it is buying & selling, but that's not what I do to making a living. Buying & Selling is not what I'm living for! But what I do to support the real living.
It's not what I have been designed for. If I stop buying and selling today, my life will still move on. But reverse is going to be the case if I stop reading, writing, & Public Speaking. I hope you can relate.
Writing, reading, & and Public speaking have been the sweetest part of my life so long. It's what I do for a living. It's my life! It's my purpose! And it blesses lives!
If your life is at a stand still, trust me, just one thing can be suspected: You're yet to discover your reason for living (purpose) which is a pointer to your career!
And you shall know the truth, and it shall make you free...
Now, the question is:
What are you living for?
What do you do for a living? What are you designed for?
What are you wired for? What do you have passion for?
Discover it and free yourself now & forever!!!
Your Mindset & Career Coach,
- Martins SORINOLA
Saturday, August 6, 2016
A beer company was hiring a taster, someone to taste the beers before selling out. So they placed adverts and one afternoon, a dirty, rough looking man walked into the manager's office asking to be employed.
The manager tried to figure out how he could drive this man away but couldn't come up with an idea, so he decided to give the man a trial. He ordered his secretary to give the man a glass of wine. He took a sip and said, "It's red wine, a muscat, three years old, grown on a north slope, matured in steel containers."
"That's correct!" The manager exclaimed, "Well give him another one lets see."
So he was given. He took a sip again and said, "It's brukutu, a combination of herbs and akpeteshie, distilled at Akokoaso near New Abirem in Eastern Region of Ghana 3 years ago"
"Incredible!" said the manager.
Now the manager went closer to the secretary and whispered to her saying, "Go get some of your urine in a cup let's see if he will get that." So the man was given the cup of urine. He took a sip, turned to the manager and said, "Female urine, 26 years old, 2 weeks pregnant and if I'm not given this job, sir, I will tell your wife who is responsible for the pregnancy! "both the man and secretary fainted..����✌��
Don't laugh alone please send it to a different person and put a smile on their faces.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Friday, 12 August 2016
Just As No Product Can Function Any Better Than The Purpose/Design For Which Its Manufacturer Has Made It.
God, Your Manufacturer, has fearfully And Wonderfully Made You...
He Has The Details Of Your 'Make-up'- Who You Are, What You Can Do, What or What Not To Have, What Or What Not To Eat, What Or What Not You Should Do, What Or What Not To Have, Where or Where Not To Go...
All On The Pages Of The Scriptures-Your Manual!
Thus, If You Are Seeing Anything Contrary To Your Programming By God, It Is Wisdom To Consult Your Manual or Your Manufacturer...
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Public Service Information :
Two people from the same family died on Wednesday in UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL,UCH-IBADAN NIGERIA. The test results showed that they died due to Leptospirosis. Infective Organism was on the can drink they drank without use of glasses/cups. The Cans were infected with dried urine of Mice containing Leptospirai. Can drinks are stored in warehouses & delivered to retail stores without cleaning. Study shows that the top of all beverage cans are more contaminated than public toilets. So clean Top end of Cans with water before opening & DO NOT put ur mouth to it..Please share this msg; as I did with you. God bless you all.
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Your Greatest Asset! Book Excerpt==> "Exploring The Wonders Of Human Mind" By Sorinola O. Martins Amazon.com Widgets ...
Everyone is born with a dominant skill, talent, craft, and special abilities that make one uniquely outstanding from others. But the tr...