Thursday, 27 October 2016

The Eternal Solution To Unemployment Is Buried In You!

Dear Job Seeker,  If all the employers out there are job seekers as you are,  who will give who a job? 

 ... But every man hath his proper gift (core strength for impact,  based on purpose) of God, one after this manner,  and another after that. - 1 Corinthians 7:7b. 

 Life only becomes meaningful to a man when he has found his Proper Gift ( Core Strength) to impact his world. What Can You Do Effortlessly Without Struggling,  Over and Over Again To Positively Impact On People? 

That's your SweetPot,  I tell You! 

If only you will discover your own Core Strengths and start trading them,  Unemployment will fizzle out on its own. 

It's Time To Look Within!!!

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Do You Know What Thoughts Really Are?

THOUGHTS: The raw materials with which you create ANYTHING
ACTION: The engine that propels the raw materials ( thoughts) into finished goods (Realities).
With Those Two Words Above,  There Are No Limits To How Far You Can Go In Life Except The Ones You Place On Yourself and By Yourself.
Y o u r M i n d s e t  &  C a r e e r C o a c h
M a r t i n s

Tuesday, 25 October 2016




90% of the solutions to man's problems and challenges are buried in Books as Secrets, while the remaining 10%,  is what man does with the findings therein.  Invest in reading & studying great books, Your comfort lies there!

One Good Book Can Turn Your Life Around 360°

Monday, 24 October 2016


Your Dreams Are Powerful!

Your Dreams Are Actually The Raw Materials With Which You Build a Future.  If You Don't Have A Dream,  You Don't Have a Future.  What You Can't Imagine,  You Cannot Make Happen!

As a man thinks in his heart,  so is he....

Y o u r M i n d s e t  &  C a r e e r C o a c h

M a r t i n s

Wednesday, 12 October 2016



Those Things You Think Are Impossible Are Actually Impossible BECAUSE You Think They Are...

The Truth Is,  Everything You Choose To Think Per Time,  Is A POSSIBILITY.

It's A POSSIBILITY Because It Was Possible For You To Think It...

The ONLY Impossible Thing To Do Or Achieve In Life Is What You CANNOT Think...

If You Can Think It,  Then It's A POSSIBILTY!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Face Your Fears!

Your #1 Enemy on your route to great achievements, is your Fears, especially when you're about breaking new ground(s).

Until you face Your Fear, You don't change level.

Whatever your Fears may be , face them! Take the calculated risks!!

That's the only way out.

Have a courageous Tuesday👍🏻
Good morning.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Be Careful of What You Believe!

Be Careful of What You Believe!

No doubt, about the recession in the air,  even the blind knows that the rain falls.

But, are you aware that in the same economy that you are in, many ,  whose hands and minds are clean,  are still building mansions, buying brand new cars, and having great times at will? 

Could it be that they are not aware of the recession in the air? Of course they do, but they have refused to allow it influence their productive thinking. And that makes the Big difference!

Many don't even want to try anymore,  thus, are beginning to give up easily on their dreams at the slightest hearing of the word 'Recession', which they have allowed to paralyze their productive thinking. So they end up crashing with the recession.

  Never allow the word recession to paralyse your  positive  and creative thinking.

Recession or no recession, things will still work out if you won't stop thinking productively right.

Remember,  as a man thinketh, so he lives.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Happy Independence Day Nigeria!

SEPTEMBER is fast gone. Now,  October is open before us like a volume with blank pages. May we all record more of God's unusual blessings on every page of this new month. Amen.
Happy New Month & 56th Independence  Anniversary our dear motherland.

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People who know their life purpose(lifework) are more directed, happy and fulfilled in their lives because they have a path on which...