Hello, My name is Martins Olagoke Sorinola, I'm passionate about helping unemployed African Youths discover and develop their dominant gifts, talents, core strength and passion to connecting with their true lifework so they could kiss unemployment goodbye while they live a life beyond ordinary.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Be Hopeful
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Here’s a simple test to see if your important relationships and activities are priorities in your life. Pull out your calendar and review your many tasks, appointments, and responsibilities. How many of your life’s priorities are on your calendar? How much time for family, friends, and hobbies have you scheduled for yourself? Do you find that your calendar is full of activities and responsibilities that are not particularly important to you?
When we are lying on our deathbeds, we will not be wishing we spent more time checking email or running errands. We’ll wish we watched more sunsets, spent more time with our children, danced during rain showers, and truly engaged in and enjoyed life. Yet many of us spend a lot of time—too much time—on activities (or relationships) we do not value or consider a priority.
It is too easy to get caught up in the rat race of life. We rush to get ready in the morning, rush to work, stay busy throughout the day, then rush pick up the kids, make dinner, check email, and then collapse in bed and get ready to do it again the next day. As a result, people are more anxious, over-committed, and persistently overwhelmed. And they have less time and energy for relationships and interactions that are most important to them.
Let The World Discover You!
The Day You Discover Yourself Is The Day The World Begins To Discover You.
Self Discovery is what distinguishes you from ordinary people, making you live an extraordinary life..
#Basket Mouth Discovered Himself
#Late Micheal Jackson Discovered Himself
#Bill Gate Discovered Himself
#Bukola Elemide (ASA)Discovered Herself
#Alibaba Discovered Himself
#Joel Osteen Discovered Himself
#Goke Martins Discovered Himself
#Bsh Oyedepo Discovered Himself
#John Maxwell Discovered Himself
#Joyce Meryer Discovered Herself
#Darey Art Alade Discovered Himself
#Daddy G.O Discovered Himself
#Chief Ebenezer Obey Discovered Himself
#KSA Discovered Himself
#Obafemi Martins Discovered Himself
#Messi Discovered Himself
#2Face Discovered Himself
Have you discovered yourself yet? The World is Waiting for You! 🔆
#Self_Discovery_Wednesday https://market.jumia.com./your-mind-your-greatest-asset-a-self-help-book-1224195.html
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Nothing Happens By Chance!
Nothing Happens By Chance!
Some believe in luck, I believe in cause and effect. The more you get into action, the luckier you get. You get nothing when you do nothing. Getting something is always dependent on doing something. Nothing Happens on its own. If you desire to see any good thing happen, then work to make it happen!
Have a blessed week ahead as you take practical steps towards fulfilling your heart desires.
Love you all!
Happy Sunday!😊
Saturday, 19 November 2016
You Are Amazingly Fabulous!
Dearest, know this today, that everyone has got at least a special gift , talent or natural skills to impact the world with right from birth. You Inclusive!
The discovery of this gift is what makes us special in our own individual way. The usage of this skills is what graduates us into celebrities. Everyone was born to be celebrated! But not all would end up being celebrated if they fail to discover these hidden gifts and treasures in them which in turn gives them identity. God's gift inside of you is not for mockery but for appreciation.
Discover what you've been separated to do on earth and get started or the world never feels your impact.
You were born with a gift to impact the world, don't deny the world of this blessing.
You're amazingly fabulous!
Happy Weekend😊
Friday, 18 November 2016
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Mother sends her young son packing for voting for Donald Trump in school
Explaining to his mom why he voted Donald Trump in school, the poor child who is seen crying holding a sign written 'My mother kicked me out because I voted for Donald Trump' said it was because he sees him on TV a lot.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Monday, 7 November 2016
Be Careful With Words!
Any time you utter that thirteen-letter word " It's Impossible" , 5 things happen to you: Your thinking stops. Your progress is halted. Your mind hibernates. Your dreams are buried. Projects are abandoned. Your brain cells become dormant. All possibility motion comes to a screeching halt. All doors are shut down completely.
But, when you utter the powerful words " It's Possible ". Your brain cells receive STRENGHTS undescribable. Buried dreams are resurrected. New ideas are turned on. Dusty files are reopened. Prosperity is born.
Choose your words Carefuly. Remember words are creative. The world you're living in right now was word-created. https://market.jumia.com.ng/your-mind-your-greatest-asset-a-self-help-book-1224195.html
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Every Thought Produces a Result
Anytime you're nursing a thought, be careful, you're creating something about to be delivered through your action.
Bad thoughts will always end up in deadly actions. Good thoughts will always end up in good accomplishment. There's nothing you will ever do, that you won't need your thought as a raw material to be delivered. Be a good Manager of your own thoughts.
Think right!
Act right!!
Achieve Joy!!!
Y o u r M i n d s e t & C a r e e r
C o a c h
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This may be just what you need
People who know their life purpose(lifework) are more directed, happy and fulfilled in their lives because they have a path on which...

Your Greatest Asset! Book Excerpt==> "Exploring The Wonders Of Human Mind" By Sorinola O. Martins Amazon.com Widgets ...
Everyone is born with a dominant skill, talent, craft, and special abilities that make one uniquely outstanding from others. But the tr...