Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Belief In Yourself!

If You Are NOT Who You Are, Who else Is Better Qualified To Be You? Please understand that You weren't mass produced. Neither are you an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and strategically positioned hereon Earth by God, the Master Craftsman Himself. Every person has specific gifts, talents and strength. And each man has his own gift(s) from God which makes him struggle not. If we are going to be successful in creating the life of our dreams, then we have to believe that we are capable of making it happen. You have to believe that you have the right stuff! Whether you call it self- esteem , self-confidence, or self assurance, it's usually a belief that you have what it takes - your abilities, inner resources, talents, and skills to start living the life that you've ever imagined. So, stop considering your wants and imperfections, but rather your talents and abilities. These values or gifts give meaning to life. Thus, whatsoever you desire, go for it! It is possible only when you believe so... You Can!

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