Thursday, 12 October 2017


In my reflection recently, I discovered that people who don’t bother to discover who they are often live a life of no identity-ordinary lives.
I also found out that most celebrities in the world today across all field of work have just one thing in common—self-discovery (you may name any celebrity that you know across the world, and you’ll find out that this is true).
Self-Discovery Equals Wealth Discovery (Ask Local and World Class Celebrities)
Often times we are so much concerned about the future that we forget to discover what will actually take us there—the future.
And that goes to tell us that, without self-discovery;
You become an entity of no identity
You can never make any impact in life
Life becomes boring and meaningless
Choosing a perfect career path for you becomes a guess work or a difficult thing to do.
The truth is, the day you discover who you are is the day you are born….
I want to believe, reading this post today is someone;
Who wants to impact his or her world through self-discovery.
Who wants to be identified with ONE THING—something to associate his/her name with.
Who wants to experience true living other than mere existence.
Who wants to become a solution to someone’s problem.
Whose sense of value and worth is attached to his/her identity.
Who desire to remain relevant to life by his/her identified contribution to mankind.

Life is a journey, it’s never about speed but going in the right direction…

NOW, what exactly is self-discovery?
Self-discovery as it reads is a combination of two words: Self + Discovery
Self, means an individual person (herself, himself, oneself, myself)
Discovery on the other hand is gotten from the verb- ‘Discover’ which means;
 1. To Uncover
2. To expose
3. To reveal
4. To make known.

Why do I need to discover my real-self?
Your number one mission is that of self-discovery.  If you know who you are, then you’d  be able to figure out what to do or not do.
You need self-discovery for the following reasons;
o   Identity
o   Relevance/ Impact / Solution
o   Self-Core Strength-Awareness
o   Determine lifework/Career path
o   Fulfilment

How do I discover my real-self?
The only cheapest way to discover WHO you are is by asking yourself these questions;
o   What is my dominant gift?
o   What makes me unlike every other person?
o   What do I like to do or hear about most times?
o   What energizes me?
o   What do I love? (Bill Gate loves computer. Tiger Wood loves gulf. Lionel Messi loves football. Asa loves music)
o   What do I love to read about?
o   What type of thoughts energizes me?
o   What would I read about all through the night with utmost pleasure?
o   What exactly do people consider my greatest gift?
All of these are clues to discovering who you really are. Get a pen and plain paper and start working on these questions…

You’re just about making the greatest discovery of your life…

What next?

Stay tuned….

Martins Sorinola © 2017

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