Hello, My name is Martins Olagoke Sorinola, I'm passionate about helping unemployed African Youths discover and develop their dominant gifts, talents, core strength and passion to connecting with their true lifework so they could kiss unemployment goodbye while they live a life beyond ordinary.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Hello Awesome,
Hope your day and week has been fine. I was wondering if you had joined our first online session to learn new skills on excel. I know you know and work with excel but we get to learn new skills and methods to resolving issues everyday...why not join in today if you desire to be excel-lent? http://excelgist.blogspot.com/?m=2
Allow me share the below with you.
A famous inspirational speaker said: The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn’t my wife.
The audience was in shock and silence. He then added: “She was my mother.” A big round of applause and laughter followed!
A very daring husband tried to crack this joke at home. After dinner, he said loudly to his wife in the kitchen: "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn’t my wife".
Standing for a moment, trying to recall the second line of that speaker, by the time he gained his senses, he was on a hospital bed, recovering from burns of hot water!
Moral Lesson: Don’t Copy, if you can’t Paste.
In the work place today, a plus (+) or minus (-) sign in error could be damaging to your outlook as a company and as you read this mail, tens and hundreds of companies have suffered financial loss from "Numerical Diarrhea" following wrong "simple" copy and paste errors made by employees, down to some "honest mistakes" in data management. Some took decisive job actions against the employee while others borne the pain and moved on. For Fannie Mae, it resulted to a loss of $1.3 Billion.
The link below shares some of the worst spreadsheet blunders you would love to avoid as a person or entity. Please read to enjoy, you can as well share!
Wish you an Ecclesiastically Excel-lent weekend and a new August in advance.
Oladapo Sorinola
BB 52E9802D
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Monday, 27 July 2015
SORINOLA MARTINS' eBook - "Exploring The Wonders Of Human Mind" Wears A New Look As It Flags Off Its First Sales On July 27, 2015. Check smashwords.com for Details.
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Saturday, 25 July 2015
SharingWithMartinsBlog: YOUR MIND CAN MAKE HAPPEN!
SharingWithMartinsBlog: YOUR MIND CAN MAKE HAPPEN!: Until you learn how to discourage your discouragers, life will keep discouraging you. If you allow the limit of life to rule your thinkin...
Until you learn how to discourage your discouragers, life will keep discouraging you. If you allow the limit of life to rule your thinking, you will always end where life intends to place you. Many a times we often allow our thought life to place a limit on us. This maybe an inner voice telling us that we cannot make some particular things happen in the reality of life situations. In 2006, I was faced with two options that could either draw me backward in my academics or propel me forward. In my college days, I remembered how I made a choice that propelled me forward simply because I believed I could make it happen; else my academic life would have been a year backward today. It was on the day I was to write my final year exam paper that this tragedy happened. As scheduled, I was to write my last examination paper at twelve noon, but I had 2pm on my exam time table. I copied the old time table not knowing it had been amended. This particular course was my favorite of all other courses I took in my final year. In fact, I had considered the course a bonus because I wasn't expecting any grade less than an 'A' in the exam. I was still at home revising and getting set for the exam as appeared to be scheduled for 2pm instead on 12pm on my timetable. So I decided to leave an hour's time ahead (around 1pm) for the examination hall. On getting to the school gate, I saw some of my course mates already on their way home. I was shocked. So I asked one of them. "Aren't you writing the paper at 2pm? His response threw me off balance. "Guy, we have just one paper today scheduled for 12pm, we just left the hall now. Weren't you in the hall with us?" He responded. I took a speed of light to the exam hall. The sweat oozing out of my body got me all soaked. Fortunately for me, the exam was about thirty minutes to finish. On getting there, the Examiner noticed me and asked whether I had forgotten something in the exam hall. "Not at all ma!" I exclaimed. "What then is it?" She asked. So I quickly brought out the exam table I had formerly copied before it was re-adjusted and showed her and guess what? She laughed me to scorn. "You can't be serious! How could you have a paper for twelve and you're just coming an hour later? I'm sorry, absolutely there's nothing I can do about it. You'll have to come back next year to write it!" Meanwhile, deep inside of me, was a silent still-voice telling me never to give up on her statement even if the exam was all over. So, I affirmed-the choice is mine not hers! It was about twenty-five minutes to the end of the exam. So, I pleaded with her suggesting that she allows me to write the exam with the condition that she stops me exactly the same time she would stop the remaining students. That I would take that as a punishment for my late coming and also to bearing the consequences should in case I couldn't meet up with the given time. Guess what? She agreed. Of course, everybody knows there is no way any student would ever finish up under such a timeframe. But to her amazement, I finished up in the first fifteen minutes. Never allow what you see around you determine the events of your life. Dont allow your thinking to align with the lie that you cannot achieve a thing. Every person has specific gifts, talents and strength. And each man has his own gift(s) from God which makes him struggle not. If we are going to be successful in creating the life of our dreams, then we have to believe that we are capable of making anything happen here on planet earth. You have to believe that you have the right stuff! Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence, or self-assurance, it's usually a belief that you have what it takes - your abilities, inner resources, talents, and skills to start living the life that you've ever imagined. So, stop concentrating on problems, rather start thinking the solution. Stop considering your wants and imperfections, but rather your talents and abilities. These values or gifts give meaning to life. Thus, whatsoever which is good that you desire in life, go for it! It is only possible when you believe so... You Can!
Friday, 24 July 2015
You can improve your mind by setting it to work. Never leave your mind idle, blank or wander aimlessly, lest it crashes!
Your mind can absorb anything as it feeds on information. Yet, nobody has overdeveloped the mind!
Be quick to discern discouraging thoughts, thoughts of doubts, and thoughts of unbelief and eject them from your mind before they make you do the regrettable.
A mind you do not exercise regularly by use will soon become dull and disused. And a dull mind has nothing to offer its carrier. The more you exercise your mind in meditation, calculation, reading, writing, strategizing and learning, the more flexible it becomes in dealing with life emergencies.
The greatest thing in life is to keep learning. Abraham Lincoln once said, when you stop learning, you are old, whether at 20 0r 80. Obliviously to many, people start aging from the mind, not the body. When you keep your mind alive through a constant learning process, you dont become easily outdated.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
The mind of a person is an expansive part of him, and that part determines his size in life. Please, don't beblivious of the fact that your mind can absorb anything to any length! And of a truth, so amazingly, no one has overdeveloped the mind yet!
Our attitudes to life will never change until our mind improves. That's why the kinds of things that give you problem do not give another person problem. The reason is simply the largeness of the mind.
That other person has trained his mind well enough to dwell on whatever things he chooses to think about, despite all odds. Meaning, he can choose to be happy regardless of whatever he may be passing through. So you can!
Thus, your mind is something elastic; it can be made narrow and it can be widened, depending on how you engage it.
Man, by the use of his mind, determines the events around him (Happiness & otherwise) at any particular point in time, not his Circumstances!
Remember, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he...
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Sharing With Martins: YOUR MIND IS POWERFUL!
Sharing With Martins: YOUR MIND IS POWERFUL!: Dear Reader, we must understand crystal clear that the things we do on daily basis do not just happen, they are Thought-Borne! If we cannot ...
Dear Reader, we must understand crystal clear that the things we do on daily basis do not just happen, they are Thought-Borne! If we cannot think them, it's practically impossible for us to doing them. The mind is the most powerful instrument ever of human creation. It's like a computer, what it takes in, is what it gives out!
Every man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of his thought, he forges the weapons with which he destroys himself. In his mind also, he fashions the tools with which he builds himself unto perfection.
Our daily actions emanate from the processed thoughts from within us (our minds) which either brings us joy or a sense of guilt or regret as the case may be. What this means is that we are not permitted to do or experience whatever thoughts we have not processed in our mind.
By the abuse and wrong application of thought, everyman descends below the level of a beast. Between these two extremes can be found all manner of character and guess what? Man is their maker and master.
Friend, our mind-generated thoughts are powerful! The more reason we have to care about what goes on in our minds either as thoughts or believes. If you have ever accomplished or achieved something great thing in life, it is simply because you have engaged your mind to the level of bringing into fulfillment, that which you have desired.
This fact is evident all around you today. Talking about events, great accomplishments, educational qualifications, musical albums, written books, high-rise buildings, sophisticated automobiles, smart mobile phones, the beautiful environments and what have you, the pleasant ones and the unpleasant. Virtually everything we see around us today is all thought-borne.
But, the good news is that you can choose to accommodate only pure, creative and positive thoughts in your mind that will culminate only in joyful accomplishments and not otherwise.
There is no joy in every impure thought; rather regret and sorrow are its birth results. Thus, we all have a lifetime responsibility to abort every impure thought at its slightest introduction into our minds well enough, to bringing about only pleasant actions and wonderful accomplishments in our lives.
The mind is more than capable to bring about anything you can think of. So long your mind can conceive it, it will deliver it! Therefore, there's no limit to what man can achieve here on earth with his mind, except the limit he places on himself.
Monday, 20 July 2015
I am so sure that on seeing the above caption, you may think we are going to be discussing about Babies. Isn't it? But in depth, that's our focus on this chapter.
No big entity in the world today ever started BIG, just as there’s no man on earth today that is born ‘a mature baby-man’ except for Adam who was ‘ born’ a full grown man, but if you ask him how old he was three days after he was created, I’m sure he would tell you... “I am just three days old, friend". Funny, isn't it? Little wonder he was cheaply brainwashed and 'fell' cos he had no experience whatsoever.
Come to think of it! Every Giant you see today was once a baby giant. The tallest tree in the forest today was once a seedling. Likewise, the tallest building in the world today once started as a foundation.
Friend, your first baby steps are a great steps! And the difference is clear today. Why? Because you have outgrown that "Crawling stage" of life.
Now let me ask you, would you get upset if your baby of nine months isn't running around the living room? Rather you would be summoned for a family meeting if you should! So it is with every new beginning.
Whatever your new beginning is, business, career, relationship and what have you, never get upset if it isn't moving as fast as you desire. It's got to experience the crawling stage. But it is as sure as day and night that you will outgrow it.
Remember, no air plane ever soars into the air without first ‘crawling’ on the runway.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Grow Your Mind To Grow Your Life!
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/547764 Your Mind Is Your Major Work Tool, Not Your Hands! Otherwise,Everyone With Their Two Hands Should Have Been Successful...
Friday, 17 July 2015
Your Mind Is Elastic!
Friend, If all you knew yesterday are still will what you know today, You Are Old! https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/547764
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Everyone is born with a dominant skill, talent, craft, and special abilities that make one uniquely outstanding from others. But the tr...