Friday, 24 July 2015


You can improve your mind by setting it to work. Never leave your mind idle, blank or wander aimlessly, lest it crashes! Your mind can absorb anything as it feeds on information. Yet, nobody has overdeveloped the mind! Be quick to discern discouraging thoughts, thoughts of doubts, and thoughts of unbelief and eject them from your mind before they make you do the regrettable. A mind you do not exercise regularly by use will soon become dull and disused. And a dull mind has nothing to offer its carrier. The more you exercise your mind in meditation, calculation, reading, writing, strategizing and learning, the more flexible it becomes in dealing with life emergencies. The greatest thing in life is to keep learning. Abraham Lincoln once said, when you stop learning, you are old, whether at 20 0r 80. Obliviously to many, people start aging from the mind, not the body. When you keep your mind alive through a constant learning process, you dont become easily outdated.

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