Hello, My name is Martins Olagoke Sorinola, I'm passionate about helping unemployed African Youths discover and develop their dominant gifts, talents, core strength and passion to connecting with their true lifework so they could kiss unemployment goodbye while they live a life beyond ordinary.
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Until you learn how to discourage your discouragers, life will keep discouraging you. If you allow the limit of life to rule your thinking, you will always end where life intends to place you. Many a times we often allow our thought life to place a limit on us. This maybe an inner voice telling us that we cannot make some particular things happen in the reality of life situations. In 2006, I was faced with two options that could either draw me backward in my academics or propel me forward. In my college days, I remembered how I made a choice that propelled me forward simply because I believed I could make it happen; else my academic life would have been a year backward today. It was on the day I was to write my final year exam paper that this tragedy happened. As scheduled, I was to write my last examination paper at twelve noon, but I had 2pm on my exam time table. I copied the old time table not knowing it had been amended. This particular course was my favorite of all other courses I took in my final year. In fact, I had considered the course a bonus because I wasn't expecting any grade less than an 'A' in the exam. I was still at home revising and getting set for the exam as appeared to be scheduled for 2pm instead on 12pm on my timetable. So I decided to leave an hour's time ahead (around 1pm) for the examination hall. On getting to the school gate, I saw some of my course mates already on their way home. I was shocked. So I asked one of them. "Aren't you writing the paper at 2pm? His response threw me off balance. "Guy, we have just one paper today scheduled for 12pm, we just left the hall now. Weren't you in the hall with us?" He responded. I took a speed of light to the exam hall. The sweat oozing out of my body got me all soaked. Fortunately for me, the exam was about thirty minutes to finish. On getting there, the Examiner noticed me and asked whether I had forgotten something in the exam hall. "Not at all ma!" I exclaimed. "What then is it?" She asked. So I quickly brought out the exam table I had formerly copied before it was re-adjusted and showed her and guess what? She laughed me to scorn. "You can't be serious! How could you have a paper for twelve and you're just coming an hour later? I'm sorry, absolutely there's nothing I can do about it. You'll have to come back next year to write it!" Meanwhile, deep inside of me, was a silent still-voice telling me never to give up on her statement even if the exam was all over. So, I affirmed-the choice is mine not hers! It was about twenty-five minutes to the end of the exam. So, I pleaded with her suggesting that she allows me to write the exam with the condition that she stops me exactly the same time she would stop the remaining students. That I would take that as a punishment for my late coming and also to bearing the consequences should in case I couldn't meet up with the given time. Guess what? She agreed. Of course, everybody knows there is no way any student would ever finish up under such a timeframe. But to her amazement, I finished up in the first fifteen minutes. Never allow what you see around you determine the events of your life. Dont allow your thinking to align with the lie that you cannot achieve a thing. Every person has specific gifts, talents and strength. And each man has his own gift(s) from God which makes him struggle not. If we are going to be successful in creating the life of our dreams, then we have to believe that we are capable of making anything happen here on planet earth. You have to believe that you have the right stuff! Whether you call it self-esteem, self-confidence, or self-assurance, it's usually a belief that you have what it takes - your abilities, inner resources, talents, and skills to start living the life that you've ever imagined. So, stop concentrating on problems, rather start thinking the solution. Stop considering your wants and imperfections, but rather your talents and abilities. These values or gifts give meaning to life. Thus, whatsoever which is good that you desire in life, go for it! It is only possible when you believe so... You Can!
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